wai347Feb 24, 20222 min read執法人員取締無牌醫美中心 捕21外籍美容師(八打靈再也21日訊)移民局、衛生部及內陸稅收局今日展開聯合行動,橫跨4州突擊8間未經注冊的醫美中心,並就此逮捕21名未持專業執照的外籍美容師。
wai347Feb 11, 20221 min read持资格认证特权信 - 全国仅300医美医生2022年2月10日 (吉隆坡10日讯) 全国只有大约300名医美医生,持有大马卫生部认证的资格认证和特权信(LCP)。 马来西亚医学美容协会主席陈世俊医生指出,由于医学美容治疗风险高,考核严谨,因此我国的合格医美专家人数不多。...
Yirin ChooMar 23, 20212 min read40岁林峰也做医美!拉皮画面被曝光,“冻龄男神”之谜疑被揭穿曾是TVB五小生之一的林峯已出道26年了,多年间他主演的剧陪伴了不少人长大,而如今40岁的他却依然拥有一张仿若“冻龄”的面孔。 然而在9月1日下午,有港媒报道称:“林峰终于扛不住了”,并曝光了林峰去做医美、拉皮、抗皱的照片,疑似揭穿了他“冻龄男神”之谜。
Yirin ChooFeb 8, 20212 min read面相 VS 微整漂亮的女人不一定好命,但好命的女人一定是漂亮的!美丽会让人更有自信,会让生活更加美好。持续升温的微整形,让越来越多的爱美的人士纷纷去尝试,多数人还是为了美丽,殊不知,从面相学上看这样些细微的变动,对于自身的运势,也会有或多或少的影响,虽说相由心生,反之,心随相转亦是可证的!!
Yirin ChooFeb 8, 20211 min readLip Care Tips 护唇小贴士As girls, almost all of us love wearing lip colours – be it vibrant and bright shades or nude and pastel hues. But no lipstick can create a
Yirin ChooFeb 8, 20211 min readThe Danger of Mask 危险的口罩Avoid to wearing heavy makeup or foundation underneath the mask as the humid, hot enclosed environment between the mask and your skin may le
Yirin ChooFeb 8, 20212 min readGet Rid of Acne Scars 摆脱暗疮疤痕Scars left by acne disease, accidents and the effects of surgical procedures cause you embarrassment?
Yirin ChooFeb 8, 20212 min readDo You Need A Natural Rejuvenation Treatment? 您需要天然嫩肤治疗吗?Wondering what all the fuss is about when it comes to PRP or platelet-rich plasma? PRP is a great cosmetic injectable treatment for naturall
Yirin ChooJan 21, 20211 min readGet Your Greens 多吃蔬菜绿汁A lot of people find it hard to reach the recommended number of servings of fruits and vegetables.
Yirin ChooJan 21, 20211 min readDaily Skin Care Routine 日常皮肤护理程序The three basic steps of a skin-care routine are cleansing, moisturizing, and applying sunscreen (at least SPF 30 and broad-spectrum).
Yirin ChooJan 21, 20211 min readWays To Prevent Eye Bag 延缓眼袋出现的小撇步A healthy diet and good skin are important ways to prevent eye bags.
Yirin ChooJan 21, 20212 min readDerma Filler 透明质酸Derma fillers are soft, gel-like substances that are injected by a doctor in a non-surgical cosmetic procedure.
Yirin ChooJan 21, 20211 min readDr CYJ Hair FillerDr CYJ Hair Filler is the First hair filler in the world that function with sustained Released & Peptide Technology. It is developed by...
Yirin ChooJan 21, 20211 min readDon't Skip Sunscreen 记得要防嗮Sunlight’s UV rays are everywhere and could harm your skin, remember to apply sunscreen before going outdoors!
Yirin ChooJan 21, 20211 min readWays To Keep Your Skins NourishedThere are many ways to keep your skins nourished before sleeping.
Yirin ChooJan 21, 20211 min read Exercise Help Blood Circulation 运动帮助促进血液循环Circulation, or the flow of blood throughout our bodies, is important for good health. An easy way to boost circulation is with exercise.